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Personal Development

Breaking Free: How to Cure Depression Without Meds

I know this is might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m going to say it anyway. If you aren’t exercising regularly, getting ample sunshine, and eating food that nourishes your body, you can’t call yourself depressed. There, I said it. If you’re still interested in how to cure depression without meds, keep reading, and I’ll tell you.

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Personal Development

The #1 Thing That Failure Says About You

In a world where challenges are inevitable, resilience can be the catalyst for incredible personal growth and transformation. The invaluable skill allows you to endure hardships and rise above them, stronger and more capable than before. Resilience encompasses emotional strength, adaptability, problem-solving, and the power of a positive mindset, and how you deal with failure says a lot about where you are on the resilience spectrum. I hope to remind you that failure is not the end; it’s the beginning of your comeback story. Embrace, learn from, and let it fuel your determination to reach even greater heights.

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My Life

How Religion Made it Difficult to Trust My Intuition

In a world where religion often discourages trusting one’s intuition, I questioned the wisdom of the scriptures. Breaking free from the shackles of extreme religious beliefs, I embarked on a path of self-discovery. This blog post reveals my struggles with social conformity, the distinction between religion and spirituality, the profound impact of learning to trust my intuition, and how you can learn how to do the same.

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Personal Development

Escaping the Trap of Feeling Sorry For Others

Discover the consequences of feeling sorry for others and how it can hinder your relationships. Learn how to escape this trap by embracing empathy and fostering genuine connections that go beyond sympathy.

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Not all Expectations are Bad: The Power of Spoken Expectations

Expectations are typically viewed in a negative light, and for good reason. But in this blog post, we will explore two sides of expectations, focusing on how unspoken expectations can be the source of unnecessary suffering while spoken expectations can liberate us by helping us understand our own limitations and set necessary boundaries.

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Personal Development

The Dark Side of Compromise in a Relationship (And What to Do Instead)

Compromise has long been regarded as a key tool for resolving conflicts and reaching agreements in relationships. However, while compromise in a relationship can sometimes lead to mutually acceptable outcomes, it can also have significant downsides. When partners compromise, they often have to give up something that is important to them, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment in the long run. Additionally, compromise may not necessarily address the underlying needs and desires of each partner and may not result in the most creative or mutually beneficial solutions. In this blog post, I  explore why compromise is not always the best approach in relationships and why collaboration, a more proactive and collaborative approach, may lead to more satisfying outcomes.

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The Hidden Impact of Unresolved Emotional Trauma

Human beings are social creatures. Therefore, forming connections with others is essential to our well-being. However, while communication is often cited as the key to building solid relationships, another factor is equally important yet often overlooked. In our personal or professional lives, making meaningful connections requires more than effective communication. This article will explore this overlooked factor and discuss how healing emotional trauma can help us build more fulfilling relationships.

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Personal Development

The Illusion of Happiness: Why Inner Peace Matters More

Happiness is something we all strive for. It’s the ultimate goal that we’re taught to pursue from a young age. We’re constantly bombarded with messages that tell us to buy certain products or achieve certain goals in order to arrive at happiness. Yet, despite our best efforts, true and lasting happiness often eludes us, even after the accolades, with the big salaries and the hottest hubby. That’s because the happiness we’re chasing is often just an illusion. It’s based on external factors like money, success, and relationships, which can be fleeting and unreliable. In reality, what we truly need is inner peace – a sense of calm and contentment that comes from within. In this blog post, we’ll explore why inner peace matters more than the illusion of happiness and how cultivating it can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

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Personal Development

The Power of Curiosity

Curiosity is a driving force for personal growth and a powerful tool for building and strengthening relationships. When we approach others with genuine curiosity, we open ourselves to new perspectives, experiences, and opportunities for connection. Curiosity can help us deepen our understanding of others, foster empathy, and promote trust and intimacy in our relationships.

In this blog, we will explore the power of curiosity in relationships and discuss how curiosity can help us navigate conflicts, enhance communication, and create meaningful connections with those around us.

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how to help someone going through a hard time
Personal Development

How Hardship Can Be a Catalyst for Growth

You’re likely here because someone you know is struggling, and you want to help. Have you ever considered that sometimes allowing people to go through hard times might be the most loving thing we can offer? It sounds counterintuitive, maybe even cruel, but when we look closer, we see that there can be immense value in experiencing difficult moments. We often hear about the dangers of overprotectiveness and how it can hinder personal growth and development. But what if we take this one step further? What if, in certain circumstances, the most compassionate thing we can do is to allow someone we love to face hardship? Let’s explore this controversial topic and see what insights we can uncover together.

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what makes a person a pleaser
Personal Development

Is people pleasing keeping you from having connected relationships? 

Do you find yourself constantly putting others’ needs ahead of your own? Do you struggle to say “no” to things when you don’t want to do them? Do you struggle to share your opinions, needs, or desires? If so, you might be a people pleaser. While it’s natural to want to make others happy, people-pleasing can become a harmful behavior that can negatively impact your mental and emotional well-being and your connection with others. In this blog post, I’ll explore what it is, the psychological origins of this behavior, the dangers of people pleasing, and signs that you might be a people pleaser. I’ll also offer tips for how to break free from this pattern and build healthier relationships with others. So if you identify with always seeking to make others happy and are ready to put yourself first, keep reading!

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How to heal Emotional Wounds
Personal Development

Beyond the Inner Child: Exploring Fun and Creative Ways to Heal Emotional Wounds

Emotional wounds are a part of life, and we all have them. Whether it’s from past traumas, relationship breakdowns, or other difficult experiences, these wounds can take a toll on our mental health and well-being. Many people turn to traditional methods of healing, such as therapy or revisiting their inner child, to find relief. While these methods can be effective for some, they’re not for everyone (and weren’t for me). That’s why in this post, we’re going to explore some fun and creative ways to heal emotional wounds. From practicing self-love to finding supportive communities, these unconventional methods may be just what you need to move forward with your healing journey if you aren’t ready for the deep work of healing your inner child. So, let’s dive in and discover the possibilities of healing beyond the inner child.

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Personal Development

How to Change Your Subconscious Mind so That you Can Live Your Best Life

Have you ever struggled to break free from negative thoughts and limiting beliefs? Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a rut, despite your best efforts to move forward? The truth is our subconscious mind holds immense power over our thoughts, emotions, and actions. It’s responsible for shaping our beliefs, and our beliefs then shape our reality. But the good news is that we can change our subconscious mind and unlock our full potential with the right tools and techniques. In this blog post, I’ll share with you my journey and the strategies I’ve used to change my subconscious mind so I could finally live my best life.

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Personal Development

Why Resilience is Important: What it is, and How to Master it

Wanna learn the secret to success? In blog post, I’m gonna tell you! I’ll dive into the dynamic duo: resilience and strength and explain how these superpowers work together to help you bounce back from challenges and come out on top. And why you need to master both.

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Personal Development

How is Change Good? How Enlightenment Requires Change

Change is usually associated with progress. The words growth and change are often used interchangeably because change is an indication of growth, and therefore a good thing if we ever want to arrive at enlightenment. We’re going to dive a little deeper and discuss how change is good and how staying stuck in a diehard and fixed mindset can be find us contributing to pain in the world.

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“But do I have to forgive them?”

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What Does it Mean to be Mindful

Mindfulness doesn’t have to only be practiced in formal meditation. By paying close attention to our emotions, processing difficult feelings and staying centered without judgement allows us to be mindful in any situation to world throws at us.

How to set healthy boundaries

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries can exponentially help your relationships feel less exhausting and more refreshing. The problem is, however, that boundaries are likely a foreign concept, and many of us don’t even know where to begin. Learn about the benefits to setting healthy boundaries and why you need them in your life if you want true happiness.

Why you Might be a Bad Listener and How to change it

Many of us haven’t been taught how to listen, so most of us aren’t very good at it. But it doesn’t mean we can’t be better. I’ve put together the 5 most significant ways that we fall short of truly listening to one another and what to do to get better.